With a near 100% success rate Warwick successfully changes the behaviours listed below working exclusively with the parents (since the children cannot change them themselves).   With every client “bad” behaviour has proved to be "interactional" in other words maintained by the parents responses to it.   Since the responses of the parents conform to a pattern they create children with the following predictable spectrum of behaviour

Children who     A Characteristics

  • Speak to parents rudely much of the time

  • get angry if they are not getting their own way

  • won't listen to you, or talk over you when you are trying to explain

  • are defiant and tend to be defiant when there is no possibility for compromise (i.e. leaving home for school)

  • are strong-willed; tend to wear you down

  • if they have a brother and sisters these are usually perceived as being better behaved and more responsive

    When you attempt to punish them they will

  • say they "don't care"

  • get more angry - threaten a temper tantrum or to retaliate

  • insist you are being unfair or say you don't love them or they don't love you

    They will usually

  • appear to be selfish

  • tend to argue with brothers or sisters

  • tend to be spiteful to you, or say hurtful things

  • tend to whine or complain

    They also      B Characteristics

  • find it difficult or impossible to lose, even over small unimportant things

  • tend to blame others (usually parents) for even small disappointments

  • seem not to be able to understand/accept logical explanations or reasons

  • find difficulty in choosing or change their mind about choices made

  • often need a lot of reassurance

  • may seek comfort/affection inappropriately or when they don't deserve it (i.e. demanding hugs or still sleeping in their parents' bed)
    Relationships outside the home are not always affected but when they are these children

  • tend not to have or not keep friends

    But if they do have friends

  • tend to be accepted as their leader or to have younger friends or

  • to have friends like themselves with behaviour or social problems

    These children may not have problems at school but when they do this usually stems from

  • their inability to make or keep friends - (i.e. problems at break times)

  • their desire to challenge teacher authority and impress peers
    All the above characteristics invariably mean

  • the child is usually very powerful within the family with a strong will that may be overpowering

  • the child usually has very low self-esteem and is unhappy much of the time

    Warwick is almost always successful but the speed/ease of change can (strangely) often be in reverse proportion to the difficulty because:-

    the more distress the behaviour causes - the more committed the parents are to what needs to be done the quicker/easier it is for Warwick to help them change the behaviour.

    The intervention usually lasts around 10 weeks but can be shorter or longer, he works until the job is done.

Warwick also works with ADHD Children

- Look at the high correlation of these "Symptoms" (below)
with the behaviour of my clients children (above) and
the significant percentage of "ordinary" children
this study says have these same behaviours -

Argues with adults
Blames others for own mistakes
Acts touchy or easily annoyed
Stealing (not involving threats)
   ADHD Children %
      Typical Children %
[Barkley RA, Fischer M, et al. The Adolescent outcome: An 8-year prospective follow up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 29, 546-557.]