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How can you know we are genuine?


                Client's  eMail........                              ........Our Reply

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marion Webster"
To: "Warwick Dyer"
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: When you were offline...(via Bravenet HumanClick)

Dear Mr Dyer,

We are concerned about the behaviour of our 8 year old son and the knock on effect it is having on the rest of the family. We came upon your website which sounds very interesting but are wary of committing to something we know nothing about. How can you reassure us that you are a genuine company?

Marion Webster

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Hi Marion and Partner,

I understand your concern.

Perhaps the best way for you to overcome your worries would be for you to speak to my most recent clients.   I have worked with ten clients over the last couple of months all of whom have had a successful outcome.   I am sure any or all of them would be prepared to speak to you to reassure you.

Channel 4's production company also interviewed many of my past clients and have just completed filming my work with another one of my clients for the documentary programme "Cutting Edge".

We have not had a failure to date.   But if we do decide to work together you will have to accept that it is your (and your partners) responses that will need to change for your son's behaviour to change. This change in the child's behaviour is usually very fast - a few weeks.   The main work is to stop parents repeating their past patterns.   Once parents are secure in the techniques they begin to phone less often. Parents decide for themselves when and how to wind down the intervention.

I will be the consultant working with you if you decide to go ahead.   Please read the FAQ page on the site carefully if you have not already done so. There is a link on the page to the agreement that we both sign that sets out my guarantee that I will work with you until the problem is solved.

I will be happy to speak to you and your partner on 0208 653 9768 at any time.

All the best to your family what ever you decide.

Warwick Dyer
Behaviour Change Consultancy



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